david albert tim maudlin

David Albert & Tim Maudlin: Niels Bohr, Measurement, & Quantum Mechanics | Robinson's Podcast #210

Geometrical Structure and the Direction of Time, with Professors Tim Maudlin and David Albert

On Tim Maudlin and the Arrow of Time | David Albert & Barry Loewer

What is the Measurement Problem? | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

David Albert & Sean Carroll: Quantum Theory, Boltzmann Brains, & The Fine-Tuned Universe | RP #106

Von Neumann on the Measurement Problem | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

David Albert & Tim Maudlin: The Measurement Problem, Solved?

David Albert & Tim Maudlin on the Role of Philosophy in Physics

Mindscape 241 | Tim Maudlin on Locality, Hidden Variables, and Quantum Foundations

John Bell on the Measurement Problem | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

Niels Bohr and the Measurement Problem | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

David Albert: The Measurement Problem of Quantum Mechanics

Tim Maudlin: Debunking Myths & Demystifying Quantum Theory

Niels Bohr's Drastic Revision of Physics | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

David Albert and Tim Maudlin on Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics

Schrödinger's Cat and Wigner's Friend | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

A Mock Debate on Quantum Mechanics with DAVID ALBERT and DAVID WALLACE

David Albert & Tim Maudlin with an Example of the Measurement Problem

Episode 36: David Albert on Quantum Measurement and the Problems with Many-Worlds

The Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber Theory of Spontaneous Collapse | David Albert & Tim Maudlin

Decoherence and The Many-Worlds Theory of Quantum Mechanics | David Albert & Sean Carroll

Quantum Measurement and the Philosophy of Physics | David Albert and Tim Maudlin

Will we ever know what came before the universe? Tim Maudlin interview

David Albert & Tim Maudlin on Measurement in Quantum Mechanics